Environmental and Health Impacts of oil consumption week 5
Oil spills and marine life We are consuming oil at an alarming rate so alarming that there are significant environmental impacts and health impacts to all personnel involved. Humans obtain oil to consume for their need of resources. This resource is used for heating our homes and powering our cars. The way this resources is obtained is through drilling and fracking. Drilling is a direct contact with the oil where the ground is penetrated and oil is then leaked. Fracking is pumping of high temperature water which then replaces the oil which is then released. Some environmental impacts of consuming oil is the surplus of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. Regarding the atmosphere oil spills also affects phytoplankton and algae which produces a great deal of the oxygen in the atmosphere (harpers.com). Temperatures than make our ice cap shrink losing ecosystems for organisms. When there are oil spills such as the one in the Gulf of Mexico. There was a coat of ...