My tree week three

My tree is located on Arcadia Apartment grounds. I chose this tree because it is a tree I look at every day out side of my window. This tree is as tall as the four story apartment building. During the fall this tree has bright red leaves. During summer and spring time it is a stunning green. I have seen it flower, as I will again this spring. It has tiny buds that turn into flowers which turn into the dark green leaves. I do not know what type of tree it is yet. Growing up in my childhood house we had the oldest tree in Holliston in our yard which I took pride in telling my classmates in elementary school. We couldn't cut down any branches and the town paid for getting the leaves removed from our yard since it was historical. There was even a plack on it with the year. My childhood tree took up my whole yard it even came up to my bedroom window. This is why I chose my tree because I could see it from my window so I can see it every day just like when I was a child. My tree now gets damaged from desire lines from students and plows pushing up dirt and snow to the base. I look forward to the spring time to watch the first stage of the transformation of a new chapter of my tree. I will take note on the buds and flowers and the progression of the growth of leaves. This assignment makes us students take the time to look at the world around us and appreciate the small things that nature can bring. This tree I know is home to squirrels and is passed by every day by students who don't give it a second look. I will give this tree a second look and blog about the future progression about my tree outside of my window.


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